For an easy way to download sets at the command line, see download_germline_set in the receptor_utils package.
The receptor_utils documentation also has walkthroughs showing how to use the germline sets with IgBLAST and MiXCR.
For information on the names and approach used in these sets, please see our paper.
Want more information in FASTA file headers or annotations? receptor-germline-tools.
The OGRDB REST API allows you to list and download germline sets programatically.
For an easy way to download sets at the command line, see download_germline_set in the receptor_utils package.
The receptor_utils documentation also has walkthroughs showing how to use the germline sets with IgBLAST and MiXCR.
For information on the names and approach used in these sets, please see our paper.
Want more information in FASTA file headers or annotations? receptor-germline-tools.
The OGRDB REST API allows you to list and download germline sets programatically.