
IGLJ genes for use with all strains

As published in Kos et al. (2022) (in preparation)


AuthorWilliam Lees
Lab Name
Lab AddressBirkbeck College, University of London, Malet Street, London
NameIGLJ (all strains)
SpeciesMus musculus
Species subgroup
Subgroup typenone
Release Version1
Release DescriptionFirst release
Release Date2022-05-31

Included Sequences

The download in Excel or CSV format includes sequences, flanking regions and additional detail.


Individuals acknowledged as contributing to this sequence:

No Items


History logs the times and reasons for the publication of each version of this germline set. Key changes are noted. For detailed changes, click on the link to the sequence.

William Lees
2022-05-31 09:20:45
Mouse germline set G00055 (IGLJ (all strains)) created

Mouse germline set G00055 (IGLJ (all strains)) created

William Lees
2022-05-31 09:22:54
Version 1 published

First release


All published versions of this germline set.

Set NameSpeciesSpecies subgroupLocusRelease VersionRelease Datedoi
IGLJ (all strains)Mus musculusIGL12022-05-3110.5281/zenodo.7116928