
Species subgroup
Subgroup type
Sequence NameIGLV3-25*01
IUIS NameIGLV3-25*03
Alternative names
Affirmation Level1
Full Sequence
Coding Sequence
Inference TypeRearranged Only
Paralog Rep

Un-rearranged Observations

Un-rearranged sequence observations that support this sequence:

No Items

Observations in AIRR-seq Repertoires

Click here to review supporting data in VDJbase.

Clicking the link will take you to VDJbase. Open in a new tab if you want to keep this page open. In VDJbase, click on the count in the Apperances column to see a list of samples in which the sequence was found.

CDR delineation

CDR1 Start76
CDR1 End93
CDR2 Start145
CDR2 End153
CDR3 Start262

Additional Information

Sequence IDA00057
Curator addressSchool of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences, University of New South Wales, Sydney Australia
Release Date2020-08-01
Release Notes

Published by the IARC on 1/8/2020.

Sequence TypeV
Gene Subgroup3
Gene Designation25
Allele Designationi01


Individuals acknowledged as contributing to this sequence:

NameInstitutionORCID ID
Néstor Vázquez BernatKarolinska Institutet SE-171 77 Stockholm


Notes are added by IARC reviewers.

This sequence was first affirmed at the IARC Meeting 57 on July 7th 2020, where it was noted:

“The sequence was seen in 4.53% of all unmutated rearrangements, with 16,227 sequences including 5410 perfect alignments to the inferred allele. There was abundant variation in the CDR3 regions of the aligned sequences. A second IGLV3-25 allele, IGLV3-25*02, was also present in the genotype, at a lower frequency, and the inferred allele accounted for 73% of all IGLV3-25 alignments. Haplotype data is unavailable. Plots of the final 3’ nucleotides were considered, but the variability seen made it impossible to consider the final two nucleotides of the sequence. These were not part of the Genbank submission. The sequence has previously been reported as IGLV3-25*p04. The sequence, up to and including nucleotide 339, was affirmed as the Level 1 sequence, IGLV3-25*i01. It appears to represent the full length version of the previously truncated IGLV3-25*03 sequence. It was subsequently noted that since the submission of this sequence, an identical genomic sequence has been accepted by IMGT as the full length sequence IGLV3-25*03. The sequence, up to and including nucleotide 339 will be submitted to IMGT as IGLV3-25*i01 as a record of the rearrangability (and therefore likely functionality) of the sequence. “


Supplementary Files


History logs the times and reasons for the publication of each version of this sequence.

Andrew Collins
2020-08-01 13:22:28
Version 1 published

Published by the IARC on 1/8/2020.


All published versions of this sequence.

Sequence NameIMGT NameAlternative namesInference TypeAffirmation LevelSpecies subgroupSubgroup typeGene startGene endUTR 5' StartUTR 5' EndL-PART1 StartL-PART1 EndL-PART2 StartL-PART2 EndCDR1 StartCDR1 EndCDR2 StartCDR2 EndCDR3 Startv_rs_startv_rs_endd_rs_3_prime_startd_rs_3_prime_endd_rs_5_prime_startd_rs_5_prime_endj_rs_startj_rs_endCodon FrameVersionDate
IGLV3-25*01IGLV3-25*03Rearranged Only11288769314515326212020-08-01
IGLV3-25*i01IGLV3-25*03Rearranged Only11288769314515326222020-08-10
IGLV3-25*03IGLV3-25*03IGLV3-25*i01Genomic and rearranged122451114621322329931636837648551455232023-07-10